


[국제기구 한-아세안센터] 채용공고 - [국제기구 한-아세안센터]
  • 작성일자2020-02-28 00:00:00
  • 조회수16
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 인턴 신입 기타 무관 전체 기타,



[Job Posting] Project Assistant


The ASEAN-Korea Centre is currently seeking for Project Assistant of ASEAN and Koreannationality to assist with programs of the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC).


ASEAN-Korea Centre

The ASEAN Korea Centre is an intergovernmental organizationestablished with the aim to promote economic and socio-cultural exchanges amongKorea and the ten ASEAN member states. AKC implements various projects topromote mutual understanding and cooperation betweenthe two regions through increasing trade volume, investment promotion,invigorating tourism and cultural exchange. Please visit our website(https://www.aseankorea.org) for more information on our Centre’s projects anddetailed explanation about the Units.


Job Position

-       Project Assistant


Job Description and Qualifications

(1)  Job Description


Number of person

to be recruited




Assist in publication & public communication, public relations



Assist in the Centre’s work programs to raise public awareness of ASEAN and promote youth exchange


(2) Qualifications

-       Fluent communication skills in bothEnglish and Korean; knowledge of another ASEAN languages is an advantage

-       Applicants who majored in relatedfields, have fluency in MS office suites or related experience in international(inter-governmental) organizations are desirable

-       Should follow under Article 33 ofthe Public Officials Act and not be disqualified from overseas travel


Employment Conditions

-       Employment Period: 6 months

-       Gross Salary: KRW 2,067,500/month

*     The above salary includes lunchallowance and transportation subsidy.

-       Benefits: 4 Major insurances, Club activity,etc.

-       Expected starting date: March 2020(Negotiable)

-       Working hours: 09:00-18:00, Lunchhour: 12:00~13:00


Selection Process

The recruitment process will follow the step of:

-       1st round: Document review

-       2nd round: Englishwriting test and In-person Interview

*     The schedule can be changedaccording to the number of applicants and the recruitment progress. Successfulcandidates for the first screening and the final will be notified individually.Those who passed the first screening must bring their ID card on the second screeningand must arrive 10 minutes early for the interview.

*     Please be sure to apply before thesubmission due date to prevent network congestion, and make sure to check thatyour application has been successfully applied.


How to Apply

-       Application should be submittedon-line (http://aseankorea.saramin.co.kr)

-       Application Deadline: 8 March 2020,18:00

*     Applicants are fully responsiblefor any disadvantages that may incur due to errors and omissions in theinformation provided.


Required Documents

The required documents below are to be submitted after the finaloffer

-       Graduation Certificate (or certificateof enrollment if not yet graduated)

-       Transcript of Academic Record

-       Career/Employment Certificate (ifhe or she has working experience)

-       Certificate for English Proficiency

*     In principle, TOEIC certificateshould be submitted, but if not available, TEPS, TOEFL, IBT, G-TELP, FLEX andother English-speaking tests may be submitted.


Additional Information

-       In case there has been an error infilling out the application form, the applicants will be subject to unfavorablemeasures. If there has been found any grounds for disqualification (falseallegations of qualification, health issues, etc.), the Centre may withdrawfrom the notification of the final result, even in case the results havealready been announced.

-       For any cancellation of acceptanceor disqualification for employment, the next highly scored applicant may bedetermined to fill in the vacancy.

-       Applicants may not be employed ifthere is no suitable applicant.

