


[칼자이스] 신규 채용 - [칼자이스]
  • 작성일자2019-09-04 00:00:00
  • 조회수14
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 정규직 신입 기타 무관 전체 기타,




                                                                              ZEISS Korea

                      B/R Ellitel 2nd floor

                                              201, 101 Dongmak-ro,Mapo-Gu, Seoul, Korea


우리 회사는 독일의 장인정신으로 170여년간광학 분야를 선도해온 세계 최고의 광학장비 제조업체, Carl Zeiss 그룹의 한국법인입니다. Carl Zeiss는 전세계 40개 이상의 제조공장이 있으며 50여개의 지사에서 약 3만여명의 직원이 근무하고 있습니다. 사업분야로는 의료 진단 및 수술 장비, 전자/광학현미경, 정밀측정기, 반도체사업분야에서 첨단 정밀 광학 제품을 개발하고 있으며, 지금까지 이 분야에서 세계적 리더의 자리를 지키고있습니다. 지금까지 이룩한 여러 과학분야에서의 혁신과 발전의 역사를 토대로 미래를 함께 할 역량 있는인재를 모집합니다.



사무/서비스 엔지니어/마케팅 모집


1.    계약직 채용 (1)

채용 부문

직무 분야




(Central Service)





s   Receptionist and GA, COO/CFO support for admin responsibilities

s   Support requests from daily visitors and HQ management level visit preparation

s   Manage business cards, company phones, flowers, etc.

s   Process Monthly GA/Admin expense invoice

s   Manage admin tasks for COO/CFO

ü  Bachelor’s Degree: graduate-to-be/graduates from University

ü  English fluency in verbal and written

ü  Strong skills in Microsoft Office

ü  German fluency is an advantage

ü  1 year internship experience in other companies is a plus


2.    인턴 채용 (6개월)

채용 부문

직무 분야






Field Service Engineer


s   Support installation, repair, and maintenance of Ophthalmology devices

s   Support in solving technical problems with equipment through remote response to customer calls and on-site visits

s   Technical support for customer installation and exhibition demonstration equipment installation

s   Complete service reports for service calls performed

s   Perform pre-test inspection before deliver to customers

s   Bachelor’s Degree: graduate-to-be/graduates from University

s   MED FSE Intern: Major in Biomedical Engineering / Electronic Engineering or related fields

s   RMS FSE Intern: Major in Electronics, Mechanical Engineering, Optical Engineering, Semiconductor Engineering

s   Excellent English skills in both written and spoken communication

s   Strong skills in Microsoft Office

s   Ability to drive and travel (driver’s license required)





s   Support installation, repair, and maintenance of Electron Microscope

s   Support in solving technical problems with equipment through remote response to customer calls and on-site visits

s   Technical support for customer installation and exhibition demonstration equipment installation

s   Participate in training in technical services to foster service skills and knowledge


채용 부문

직무 분야







s   Support marketing manager to build up and implement overall marketing campaigns

s   Support in digital marketing by creating and translating/localizing contents for various online channels

s   Support in events and retail marketing including seminars and managing marketing materials

s   Assist lead management and perform daily updates on database

ü  Bachelor’s Degree: graduate-to-be/graduates from University

ü  Major in Marketing or related fields

ü  English fluency in verbal and written

ü  Proficiency in designing tools such as Photoshop, Illustrator

ü  Strong skills in Microsoft Office

ü  Experience in brand marketing is a plus


(ZEISS Vision Korea)

s   Dispatching materials (brochures, price book, brand materials) to Optical shops based on the request and proposals from sales team

s   Arrange customized production with size variation on POSM materials to agency 

s   Contacting customers for Academy course preparation and evaluation, certificate issues

s   Checking inventory of marketing materials for replenishment. 

s   Analyze sales performance by rep and region on monthly basis

ü  Bachelor’s Degree: graduate-to-be/graduates from University

ü  Major in Marketing, Business Administration or related fields

ü  English fluency in verbal and written

ü  Strong skills in Microsoft Office








s   Administrative support for Service Team

s   Daily Support in billing process using SAP CRM

s   Data management including daily cleansing of CRM Master Data and regular updates of customer information

s   Support documentation upon team and customer request

s   Weekly checking of not billing list and reducing percentage of pending cases

ü  Bachelor’s Degree: graduate-to-be/graduates from University

ü  Task-oriented with the initiative to drive solutions

ü  Good command of written and spoken English

ü  Strong skills in Microsoft Office




1.     접수안내

가.  접수기한: 99일까지 (채용시 조기 마감)

나.  접수방법:

    ZEISS 인사부 이메일접수 (recruit.kr@zeiss.com)

    사람인 사이트 접수


다.  제출서류:

    필수: 영문 이력서 및 자기소개 (자유양식)

    국문 이력서 및 자기소개서 (자유 양식)

    첨부파일 제목 다음 양식으로 기재 요망: 지원직무_성함_(영문/국문/영국문)

    이력서에 지원부서 및 직무 반드시 명기


2.     전형절차

서류 전형 > 인적성검사 및 영어사전인터뷰 >1차 면접 > 2차 면접 > 합격

* 서류 합격자에 한해 인적성검사 및 영어사전인터뷰 전형 안내


3.     복리후생및 기타

     계약직1/ 인턴 6개월

     단체의료보험및 의료실비 지원

     정기건강검진 및 체력단련비 지원