


Marketing Assistant (1년 계약직) 포지션 채용 - 네슬레코리아
  • 작성일자2019-02-28 00:00:00
  • 조회수44
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 계약직 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 경영·사무



1.  [직무명 / 근무지]

Marketing Assistant (Marketing 팀 소속 1년 계약직) / 서울 서대문구 본사 근무


2.  [직무내용]

1) Coffee productmarketing assist

Supporting the coffee product marketing manager with marketing activitiesincluding campaign pre-post reporting

Execute the coffee product and accessory marketing campaign materials andpermanent brochure forecasting and production and a wide range of marketingcommunications

Report and update daily / weekly / monthly coffee sales and helping to utilizemarket data to analyse key trends / competitor report to support productmarketing to maximize the business strategy aligned to these insights

Welcome offer and welcome process management - forecasting / production /contents update etc.

Arranging maintaining and distributing marketing support materials as required,including presentation kits, product brochures, transparencies, point of salesmaterials and manuals

Providing support for marketing events and exhibitions as required

Plan and execute CEC, BTQ & CRC promotional activities

Product Price set up


2) RetailCommunications & Production of Printed Materials

Translate the brochure contents and forecast brochure production quantityaccording to the coffee product life cycle and annual production plan to savecost

Boutique support – BTQ window and display is executed to represent BrandPremium positioning in a timely and cost effective manner.  

Support the roll of out BIS in the market with events, graphics and promotionalmaterial where possible.

Show attention to follow the HQ guidelines and apply any changes in POSMdesign.

Collaborate with the BTQ team and related team by having monthly meeting tomaximize visibility in store / online


3) AdministrativeProcess Management & Others

Assist in the planning, validation, implementation and coordination of allNespresso marketing materials

Contribute toward and support the roll out and execution of corporateinitiatives/projects

Coffee product marketing related free goods / related PO creation management


3.  [자격요건]

1~2years of field experience

Experience of working with high end/luxury/premium retail brands

Previous experience working in a product marketing role (not essential but anadvantage)

Clear strategic communication skills

Fluency in both written and spoken English


4.  [제출서류 및 제출처]

Ÿ , 영문 이력서 및 국, 영문 자기소개서 자유양식

Ÿ 제출시 제목: Marketing Assistant (성명)

Ÿ 제출시 PDF 또는 MS Word파일로 전환하여 송부 해주시기 바랍니다.

Ÿ 서류 기재 사항이 허위임이 판명되면 합격 취소 또는 채용 취소 될 수 있습니다.

제출처: Recruiting.Korea@nespresso.com (입사서류는 이메일로만 접수합니다.)


5.  [기타]

Ÿ 결과는 서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보 예정입니다.

Ÿ 지원 직무, 긴급 연락처(휴대폰 번호) 이메일 주소를 이력서 상단에 꼭 기재하시기 바랍니다.