


회계팀 채용 - Nespresso
  • 작성일자2018-03-12 00:00:00
  • 조회수30
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 계약직 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 경영·사무



1.     [직무 및 근무지역] Jr. Accountant 0

서울 본사 근무 (근무 부서: Nespresso Finance)


2.    [근무조건] 12개월 계약


3.    [업무내용]

Tax Invoices

        Issue all Tax invoices to customers in line with local Taxrequirements


Credit Notes

        Process all credit notes after correct authorisation

        Compile the monthly credit note analysis reporting


Credit Control

        Be the main Finance point of contact for all internalcustomers for all credit control and account balance queries and issues

        Reconciliation of customer accounts, liaising with TheAccount Receivable team to ensure correct and timely allocation of payments.

        Review customer accounts and follow up outstanding debt andclaims promptly

        Work closely with B2B Back Office Team to resolve customeraccount enquiries and dispute handling

        Complete a monthly list of all amounts outstanding over 30days with reasons why these customers have not paid and review with B2B andBusiness Controller

        Hand unrecoverable amounts over to a debt collection agency


Period End Closing

        Prepare and process provision for doubtful debts, debtorsaccounts credit balances and DSO (Daily Sales Outstanding) reports

        Reconcile Accounts Receivable Sub ledger to the GeneralLedger

        Prepare and process Tariff, Reminder Level, Rebates andCredit Terms reports on a monthly basis

        Assist with Period End Close



        Adhoc support in the Finance and Control team

        Be the backup for the Accounts Receivable role. Be able tocomplete this role if required when this person is absent by ensuring that youhave a good understanding of the functions and processes of this role

        Increase efficiency by improving procedures and policies


4.     [자격요건]

·         High level of written and oralcommunication skills

·         Attention to detail

·         Knowledge of MS Office applications,particularly Excel and Word, business application software

·         Good PC skills


5.    [제출서류 및 제출처]

자유 국, 영문 이력서 및 자기소개서

지원직무, 긴급 연락처(휴대폰 번호) 및 이메일 주소를 이력서 상단에 꼭 기재하여 주시기바랍니다

·         제출시 제목: [Nespresso Korea]_ Jr.Accountant(성명)

·         제출시 워드 파일 혹은 PDF 파일로 전환하여 송부 해주시기 바랍니다.

·         서류 기재 사항이 허위임이 판명되면 합격 취소 또는 채용 취소 될 수 있습니다.

·         제출처: Recruiting.Korea@nespresso.com (입사서류는 이메일로만접수합니다.)

·         상시 채용으로 빠른 접수 요망


*결과는 서류전형 합격자에 한하여 개별 통보예정입니다
