


Sales coordinator, 총무 업무 담당할 사원급 채용 - 가트너 코리아
  • 작성일자2018-02-02 00:00:00
  • 조회수31
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 정규직 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 경영·사무





Title: Sales coordinator/Admin


The work of office coordinators is responsible on a daily basis for ensuring the smooth operation of the office as well as providing administrative support to the Facilities and Sales Management Team. This role is to provide high quality and timely support to the work of the organization, a position with significant responsibilities for acting as a liaison between departments, stakeholders and information sources. The role requires many administrative and non-administrative competencies as responsible for helping to develop a professional client facing and collaborative work environment.

Major Responsibilities:

Accountable for the effective day to day management of the facilities operations and provide work and meetings space. Ensure safe, functional and comfortable working conditions in an effort to contribute to employee productivity
• Providing Support, growth & development for the team, ensuring communication is executed throughout the office, arranging team events, ensuring office morale is at its highest.
• Responsible for the implementation and control of companywide policies and procedures
• Contact with external and internal contractors as necessary to ensure good management of the company facilities and ensure they meet contractual commitments.
• Maintain office equipment and an inventory of supplies and develop professional vendor relationship
• Determine future office requirements in coordination with Facilities Manager.
• Monitor asses and identify strategies to improve services, systems and process.
• Maintain all required documentation that includes business continuity documentation and seating charts, monthly operations update, for the office.
• Adhere to Support Office deadlines for information requests to carry out time critical activities (e.g. Month End Close, etc.)
• Use Customer Relationship Management techniques to build customer relationships, increase knowledge management and demonstrate how it improves customer satisfaction with the role of the coordinator/administrator.
• Execute Sales Briefings in the office, Coordinating invitation lists and acceptances, ensuring facilities are appropriately prepared and organized to drive a maximum Quality Client Experience.
• Provide local coordination support for visiting associates, supporting analyst visits and agendas, local reservations and transport where required.
• Track and coordinate associate recognition and anniversary events.



- Must have solid work experience (2~3 years as an Administrator/ Coordinator) with proven background in a fast-paced Sales environment. College Degree a definite plus.
- A senior Secondary School certificate is required, university degree or Colleague degree is desirable.
- Excellent organization skills. Time Management and Task flexibility. Ability to multitask and change priorities as needed.
- Superior computer skills including MS Office Products and Internet.
- Excellent verbal and written communications skills (grammar and proofreading) Conversant in English
- Strong attention to detail
- Demonstration of effective interpersonal skills working with others


http://www.peoplenjob.com/img/bullet2.gif커리어수준 : 사원(2~3 이내)
급여사항 : 면접 협의
고용형태 : 신입/경력 정규직


http://www.peoplenjob.com/img/bullet2.gif전형방법 :

1 서류전형

http://www.peoplenjob.com/img/bullet2.gif제출서류 :

영문이력서(resume), 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)

http://www.peoplenjob.com/img/bullet2.gif접수방법 :

온라인 지원: 온라인 지원하기
이메일: judy.jang@gartner.com


http://www.peoplenjob.com/img/bullet2.gif마감일 : 2018-02-17
채용담당 : 인사담당자 ( Judy.jang@gartner.com- 문의사항은 EMAIL 문의바랍니다.)





본사 소재지

서울 강남구 삼성동 159 무역센터 2407 (135-729)


Global : http://www.gartner.com


IT 리서치 / 컨설팅 / 컴퓨터




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