Supply Chain 부서 신입 채용 - 바이어스도르프코리아
- 작성일자2018-01-16 00:00:00
- 조회수28
- 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
Company: Beiersdorf Korea Ltd. (A German Skin Care Company)
§ 포지션/소속부서: CS Specialist / Supply chain Department
§ 채용형태: 정규직 – 2월 중 입사
§ 근무지: 서울시 영등포구 여의도동 23 TWO IFC 17층바이어스도르프(유) 본사
§ 지원방법: Resume(영문 및 한글이력서), 자기소개서를하나의 word파일로 이메일 제출.
§ 제출 메일주소:메일 제목에 지원 포지션 필수 기재)
§ 제출마감일: 2018년 1월 21일(일)
1. Entry level / Universityabove, SCM related major or related certificates preferred (졸업예정자 지원가능)
2. Internship experience preferred
3. Good communicator and teamworker
4. Proactive attitude, Ownership,and Eagerness to learn
5. Aspiration to expand toassignments in SCM, starting from Order Management to Customer Service/beyond
6. Analytical skill to identifythe opportunity area to drive continuous improvement
7. Proficient in MS Office / Goodcommand of English
Roles & Responsibilities
A. Order Management
§ Monitor daily order status and adjuststock level
§ Monthly Service Level Report by salesaccount, product category to analyze non-delivery rate
§ Update the list price of item and preventprice error issue.
§ Monitor outsourcing vender (3PL) performanceon order process.
§ Examine issues from 3PL order handing andset strategy to fix it.
§ Analyze 3PLorder cost and find out opportunity to reduce or maximize the efficiency
B. Risk Management
§ Update Master data file in case of the heavyorders to reduce order errors, liaising with relevant parties.
C. Delivery Monitor
§ Tracking the delivery and make sure thatgoods deliver to the right customer on time
§ Inform internal commercial team of anydelivery delays in due course.
D. Sales Closing support
§ Liaise with finance department in respectto an efficient operation of matters.