


에너지팀 캠페이너 모집 - 그린피스
  • 작성일자2017-12-04 00:00:00
  • 조회수38
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 계약직 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 기타,



-캠페인 활동에 필요한 전문적인 지식 제공

-전반적인 프로젝트 리드 (캠페인 전략 개발 실행)

-캠페인 기획 업무 실행

-담당 캠페인 이슈에 대한 자료 조사 분석

-프로젝트 진행 , 부서 (Communications, Fundraising,Engagement) 협업

-국내외 관련 단체 이해당사자들 간의 유기적인 교류

-캠페인 관련 다양한 분야의 자료 연구 조사, 필요시 미디어 활동도 수행





Conceptual tasks, Strategydevelopment and/or Project management

     Developand implement effective and integrated campaign plans, strategies and tacticsrelated to the overall vision, goals and objectives.

     Directand oversee the development of campaign projects, or assist the project leaderin project development.

     Coordinatethe planning process in collaboration with other departments, Greenpeaceoffices and Greenpeace International to have project strategy, work plan andresource plan approved.

     Provideexpertise with respect to specialized campaign areas. Maintain high-level ofknowledge on the campaign issues. Analyze new developments in support ofcampaign vision, goals and objectives. Stay abreast of current and emergingdevelopments relating to the campaign issues.


     Activelyrepresent Greenpeace in front of the business, scientific and governmentsectors, the environmental community at large and the media (traditional andnew), to achieve campaign objectives and strengthen the profile and credibilityof Greenpeace. Undertake reactive and proactive media work as required. Respondto public inquiries about campaign issues and other matters as need

     Liaiseand build relationships with business, government and non-governmentalorganizations on issues relevant to campaign objectives. Communicate and engagewith inter-governmental bodies and government officials as needed. Effectivelypresent information to a variety of audiences.

     Conductresearch and investigation in relation to the objectives and plans of campaignprojects.

     Travelto other Greenpeace offices, campaign locations, or locations where relatedcampaign issues require the presence of Greenpeace representatives.

Support/ Coaching/ Leadership

     Lead project teams, or provide appropriate leadership, to deliver high-quality project outputs in line with theproject plan. Monitor team members’ performance in completing project tasks.Determine priorities, assign responsibilities and task-manage staff withinproject work.

     Provideon-job coaching to junior project members to ensure deliverance of projecttasks and capacity growth of staff.

     Givefeedback to the line managers of project members to enable performanceevaluation and inform staff development needs.

Compliance/ Keeping FrameworkConditions

     Evaluateproject achievements and shortcomings at designated points of evaluation.Complete evaluation reports as required, follow-upon the recommendations and lesson learned accordingly

     Managecontractors as required in compliance with Greenpeace East Asia policies.Manage project budgets and expenditure responsibly.






  1) 학력: 초대졸 이상 (관련 석사 우대) / 사회학, 정치학, 경제학, 환경 관련 전공 우대

  2) 경력: 신입 혹은 관련 업무 경력자 (신입지원자분들의 경우, 학생회, 공모전, 신문/칼럼 기고 경험, 관련 인턴 경험 우대)

3) 그린피스 미션, 원칙, 가치 준수

  4) 캠페인에 대한 기본적인 이해가 있는 (전반적인 사회 환경에 대한 문제인식을 지닌 )

5) 전략적 사고, 리서치/분석, 예산관리 능력

6) 프로젝트 진행능력

7) 커뮤니케이션 능력과 리더십을 가지신

8) 영어 능통자

9) 일에 대한 열정과 책임감이 높으신

10) 변화 선도자



Skill andexpertise required


Proven track records or familiarity in at least one of the following:                          

-      At least onecore environmental issues that greenpeace is campaigning for: climate &energy, toxics & pollution, food & agriculture, forest & oceanprotection, etc; or

-      Familiarity incampaigning and/or non-profit operation, project management etc; or

-      Other provenprofessional experiences from the public policy, international relation,consulting, research, finance, journalism, marketing sectors etc


Familiarity in the social, political and cultural context of one of thegeographical jurisdictions that GPEA operates.




-      The positionworks in a standard office environment, and is required to travel to otherGreenpeace offices, campaign locations or locations where environmentalproblems require the presence of Greenpeace representatives.

-      The positionmay be required to work under pressure and in physically or mentallychallenging situations.

-       Be on call after hours and on weekends asrequested.


*고용형태: 2 자체 계약직 (95%정규직 전환)

그린피스 내부 규정상, 전직원은 2 자체 계약직으로 입사합니다.



접수기간: 2017 12 15일까지

접수방법: 홈페이지 접수 (https://career10.successfactors.com/career?company=greenpeace&site=VjIteTlaSEIwdXdBK0NLcWNIcjYvOWtFQT09)


*반드시 영문이력서와 영문자기소개서를그린피스 채용홈페이지를 통해서제출해주시기 부탁드립니다. 개인정보보호법상 주민등록번호뒷자리는 기재해주지마십시오.

*영문 자기소개서에는반드시 내용을 포함시켜주시기바랍니다.

Q) Why do you want to work for Greenpeace?

Q) What wishes/expectations do you have, and are they compatiblewith reality of Greenpeace?



서류전형– 1 실무진면접 – 2임원 면접최종합격

*모든 면접은영어로 진행됨을알려드립니다. 관련업무 과제가주어질 수도있습니다.


* 전형별일정은 합격자에한하여 개별적으로연락드립니다.