소매 계획 관리 직원 모집 - 풀무원 샘물 (주)
- 작성일자2017-09-29 00:00:00
- 조회수98
- 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
We are a JV company, combined Nestle Waters & Pulmuone, to build strong bottled water brands in Korea.
Now we are having a job opening for Retail Planning Admin. in Retail Sales Dept.
Starting as a Planning Admin, after 2 years of contract period, an opportunity to be a full-time sales rep. based on the performance review.
If anyone wants to apply for the position, please submit your resume & CV to HR/GA Dept., via e-mail: sjjunge@pulmuone.com
HR&GA Dept. will inform personally to the screened interviewees, after reviewing your resume & CVs.
*** Summary:
Executes all aspects of the order management cycle. Responsible for routine purchase order processing and serving as a day-to-day sales tracker by producing summaries of sales performance. Assist sales and logistics teams and buyers to resolve orders and delivery issues. Work in cross functionally to support monthly closing with Sales and Finance & Control teams.
*** Responsibilities:
(Order Management, 40%)
Monitor, assign and track orders through retailers’ EDI and process purchase orders by collaborating with logistics team and third-party logistics
(Support Monthly Closing, 20%)
Approve A/R and A/P tax invoices from Modern Trade and CVS customers and upload A/P invoices onto Oracle ERP
Produce and provide summaries of sales performance to sales teams
Monitor and document accounts receivable from Modern Trade and CVS channels
(Daily Sales Report, 10%)
Create ‘Daily Sales Report’ by using Oracle ERP and circulate within the company
(Keeping Record & Preparing Workshop, 10%)
Write monthly minutes for department and company meetings
Plan monthly workshop and book venues and meals accordingly
(Sales Planning, 20%)
Monthly closing & Quaterly incentives report
Support Retail Sales Planner to analyze Retail Sales by SKU/Brand/Channels
*** Requirements:
less than 3 years works experience in Sales field
(Computer) Excellent proficiency in MS Excel and Word
(Language) Fluency in English writing and hearing
(Communication) Proven ability to communicate with internal departments, third-party logistics and buyers both verbally and in writing
(Attitude) passion and interset for future career in Sales Dept.
** 영업에 향후 커리어 비전을 갖고 있으신 분만 지원해주세요.
** 본 포지션은 2017년 5월 합격자가 사내 정규직 포지션으로 전환됨에 따라 추가적으로 재 오픈 되었습니다.
전형방법 :
서류 - 인적성 검사 - 1차면접 (영업부서) - 2차부서 (인사부서)
* 서류합격자에 한해 인적성 검사 진행 예정
제출서류 :
영문이력서(resume), 국문이력서/자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)
자사양식 이용시 서류전형 가산점 부여.
마감일 : 2017-10-28
채용담당 : 인사담당자 ( 02-2140-8725 sjjunge@pulmuone.com )
** 풀무원샘물(주)
풀무원 샘물은 1986년 국내 최초로 ‘먹는샘물’ 사업을 선보인 이래, 2004년 세계 먹는 샘물 1위 기업인 네슬레 워터스와 풀무원의 합자법인으로서 대한민국 샘물 시장의 선두주자로 거듭났습니다. 국내 ‘먹는샘물’ 시장에서 선진화된 제조 기술력을 바탕으로 지속적으로 성장해 나아가고 있는 풀무원 샘물과 함께 스스로의 역량을 키워나가고자 하시는 분들의 적극적인 지원을 기다립니다.
Thank you.