researcher(연구원) 6개월 자체계약직 포지션 모집 - 재단법인 그린피스
- 작성일자2017-07-07 00:00:00
- 조회수14
- 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
Job Description |
Job family(Internal): Researcher[1] (연구원)[2]
Reports To: Head of Research Unit (북경사무소에서 근무 중인 중국인 매니저에게 보고)
Effective from:1 July 2017
The post holder is responsible for developing, coordinating and implementingeffective research and investigation to support Greenpeace’s campaigns, andproviding and executing strategic advice on the development of research andinvestigation.
The post holder works under the Research Unit to carry out research and investigationfor specific projects. The post holder will be required to do both desktopresearch and field investigation to collect evidence and information ofenvironmental destruction.
The post holder usually works in project team which requires research andinvestigation which are sophisticated in nature and broad in its scope, and mayinvolve task managing others to implement the plan. S/he also assists the LineManager to enhance research capability. The post holder may be assigned to workin projects which involve other Greenpeace offices, including coordinatingregional and global research tasks.
Discretion is exercised in handling confidential and sensitive information.
The post holder may exercise line management responsibility to 1 position ifrequired by the Manager.
1) 그린피스의 캠페인 활동에 필요한 전문적인 지식제공 및 연구/조사 활동
2) 연구/조사활동의 기획, 설계 및 수행. 전반적인 프로젝트 리드
3) 연구/ 조사 프로젝트의 진행 시 타부서 (캠페인, 커뮤니케이션 팀 등) 과 협업
4) 국내 캠페인 뿐 아니라 그린피스 동아시아 사무소의 다른 연구원들과 동아시아 지역
이슈에 협업
5) 국내외 관련 단체 및 관련 주제 연구진과의 유기적인 교류
6) 외부 연구자와의 협업 진행 및 계약 관리
Conceptual tasks, Strategy development and/or Projectmanagement
Advise campaignprojects on research-related matters.
Design research and investigationplan according to Greenpeace protocol.
Research and analyze a wide range of specialized materialson issues in relation to different campaign projects, and advise campaigns onresearch-oriented opportunities.
Keepabreast of development of research methodologies and tools which can be of useby Greenpeace. Identify and experiment promising research tactics.
Conductdesktop research and field investigation. Ensure accurate and professionalresearch tasks are delivered timely.
Prepare research materials andoutputs.
Collect and analyze information and data in proper format.Capture and organize useful information and data into databases to ensurestrategic and valuable information is available for campaigning purpose.Analyze information and data, and produce briefing papers and reports tosupport campaign goals.
Initiatecollaboration and maintain relationship with institutions and individuals so asto enhance Greenpeace research capability. Find suitable contractors asrequired in compliance with Greenpeace policies.
Support/ Coaching/ Leadership
Coordinatethe development and implementation of research plan which are regional orglobal in scope.
Provide training to others in the organization to enhancecapability in research, investigation and Rapid Response.
Involve in Rapid Response to majorenvironmental incidents.
Monitor major environmental incidents and provide adviceto management on matters related to Rapid Response.
Compliance/ Keeping Framework Conditions
EnsureGreenpeace research and investigation are of professional quality and meetagreed global standards.
Follow appropriate safety andsecurity protocols in Greenpeace.
Lead and involved in the development of research-relatedprotocols, policies and standards.
Evaluate research process and outcomes. Completeevaluation reports if required.
Responsibly direct and control project spending.
1)학력: 대졸이상 (이공계열 선호)
2)경력: 신입 (휴학생 가능) 혹은 관련 업무 경력 3년 내외
4)연구 주제에 대한 연구 보고서 작성 능력 (한/영) 필요
5)다양한 주제에 대한 빠른 이해 및 수행 능력 필요
6)현장 실험 설계 및 현장 실험 수행 능력
7)타인과의 협업 능력
Skill andexpertise required
Knowledge of research related tools and equipment, and trends anddevelopments in the field
The post holder works in a standard office environment, and is requiredto travel to other Greenpeace offices, campaign locations or locations whereenvironmental problems require the presence of Greenpeace representatives.
The post holder will be required to work in physically or mentallychallenging situations.
PreferredCandidate Profile
Commitment to the mission, principles and values of Greenpeace.
Commitmentto, and demonstrated ability to work well aspart of a team.
Able to work in a cross-cultural environment.
Ability to operate and lead under pressure and in physically or mentallychallenging situations.
Ability to work across a variety of issues, under pressure of deadlines andchanging priorities and to work unsocial hours as necessary.
고용형태: 6개월 자체계약직 (정규직전환 가능없음)
접수기간: 2017년 7월 20일까지
접수방법: 홈페이지 접수 (
*반드시 영문 이력서 및 자기소개서를 제출해주시기 부탁드립니다. 개인정보보호법상 주민등록번호 뒷자리는 기재해주지 마십시오.
서류전형– 1차 실무진면접 – 2차임원 면접– 최종합격
*모든 면접은영어로 진행됨을알려드립니다. 관련업무 과제가주어질 수도있습니다.
*각 전형별일정은 개인적으로연락드립니다.
should there be an "enable" researcherJD? will wu hao be using this same JD?
I would suggest internally, the Role ofResearcher also applicable for an Enable