


인턴 모집 - 이뮨온시아
  • 작성일자2017-05-25 00:00:00
  • 조회수59
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 인턴 신입 기타 무관 경기도 전문직


Summer Internship at ImmuneOncia


Application deadline: June 2nd (Friday), 2017

Position: temporary (intern)

Timeframe: flexible (mid June, 2017 ~ )

Location: 25, Tapsil-ro 35 road, Giheung-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Stipend: industry standard, please inquire



This is a unique position for someone who would like to have anopportunity to experience the front-line of newdrugdevelopment. ImmuneOncia is a virtual biotech focusing on developingimmuno-oncology therapeutics, co-located with Yuhan R&D Center in Yongin,Korea. We are a small, agile group of pharma industry experts, with a missionto deliver cutting-edge immunotherapy to cancer patients globally. We arelooking for someone who is excited about our mission, and help us advance ourtherapeutics one step closer to patients in needs.

Formore information, please visit: www.immuneoncia.com 



Wewill adjust your role based on your experience, major, personality and fluencyin English. You will be working with several supervisors for activities such asproject managements, documentations, meeting organizations and other daily operationalevents. You will have opportunities to attend educational seminars andconferences, if appropriate.



Qualificationsbelow are pluses but we are most interested in finding someone with a passionfor research and development.

-major in biology/pharmacology/nursing/medicine

-moderate or higher communication skill in English (especially written)

-advanced organization skills, critical thinking, ability to multi-task


Application: please send below to ysong@immuneoncia.com (bothKorean and English versions are accepted)

- Cover letter,incld. self-introduction & your goal/expectation upon completing theinternship (1 page)


- curriculum vitae (1~2 pages)