


Editorial Assistant 채용 모집 - 교내채용
  • 작성일자2017-03-10 00:00:00
  • 조회수1
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 정규직 신입 기타 무관 전체 기타,




Springer Nature한국지사 

Editorial Assistant 모집



모집 배경


Springer Nature 리서치, 교육 그리고 과학, 기술  의학 등의 전문 도서와 저널  출판하는 170 역사의 글로벌 출판사로써 세계적으로 학술적 가치를 널리 인정받고 있습니다.  세계 유수한 기관과  많은 연구원, 과학자, 학생들이 Springer Nature 자료를 이용하고 계시며, 현재 50 국가에  13천명 이상의 직원이 근무하고 있습니다.


한국지사에서는 국내 저자의 출판을 기획하Physical Science and Engineering Editorial Team Editorial Assistant 채용하고 있습니다.


보다 자세한 사항은 하단의 영문 공고를 참고 주시기 바랍니다.




   저널, 도서  기타 연구 자료의 출판 기획 관리  에디터 어시스트 업무

   저자와 관련부서 간의 의견 조율과 커뮤니케이션 업무

   데이터 입력과 정보 관리

   에디터 스케줄 관리  출장 예약과 관리

   제안서, 리포트, 프레젠테이션과 회의록 등의 공문 작성 

   출판 관련 제반 사항 관리  고객 지원 



 학사  (이공계열 전공 우대)

  동종업계 또는 관련 경력자 우대

  영어  MS Office 능통

  멀티 태스킹 이면서 높은 업무 정확도

  원만한 성격 소유자

  원활한 커뮤니케이션 능력으로 팀웍이 뛰어나신 

  국내외 출장 결격사유가 없는 


 4 보험
  15 (근속년수에 따라 증가)
  5일제 근무
 종합건강검진 실시








제출 서류


 자유형식의 /영문 이력서와 자기소개서 

 이력서에 희망연봉 기재,  지원자께서는 병역 여부 작성



접수방법  기간

ㆍ접수방법 : 홈페이지 입사지원 (https://career012.successfactors.eu.)
ㆍ접수기간 : 2017-03-26 마감



Springer Nature 한국지사는 마포구 와우산로 56 극동방송 204호에 위치하고 있습니다.


최종합격자는 3개월간의 수습을 마친 후에 정규직으로 전환됩니다.
지원을 희망하는 지원자께서는 다음의 당사 채용사이트에서 Apply 클릭하신 후에 자유형식의 , 영문 이력서와 자기소개서를 보내주시기 바랍니다. 


면접일정은 서류합격자에 한하여 유선상으로 별도 안내 예정입니다.





Springer Nature is one of the world’s leading global research, educationaland professional publishers. It is home to an array of respected and trustedbrands and imprints, with more than 170 years of combined history behind them,providing quality content through a range of innovative products and services.Every day, around the globe, our imprints, books, journals and resources reachmillions of people, helping researchers and scientists to discover, students tolearn and professionals to achieve their goals and ambitions. The company hasalmost 13,000 staff in over 50 countries.




  • To assist the editors to manage their publishingprojects, including books and journals.

  • To assist the editors to communicate withbook/journal partners, authors, and reviewers.

  • To work with other in-house teams to coordinateeditorial, production and promotional activities.

  • To support the editors with their traveling andmeeting schedules, handle phone calls and emails delegated by the editors.

  • To enter data into various database systems andmaintain the project information throughout the publishing process.

  • Under supervision of editor, fulfil bookauthor/editor needs, build a "before, during and after" relationshipwith the author.

  • To prepare incoming manuscripts for productionand publication; thorough scrutiny of manuscripts for internal consistency andcompleteness; completion of all forms to be circulated with manuscriptsinternally.

  • To prepare journal reports for editor and editorialboard meetings; maintain close communication with academic journal editors andboard members.

  • To prepare contracts, arrange payments for authorsand editors.

  • To solicit peer reviews for prospects and signedprojects as needed or as directed by editor.

  • To help editors prepare for conferences and selecttitles for display.

  • Occasional exhibits attendance and companyrepresentation.

  • To perform related duties as required.

  • To carry out other job functions as assigned by thesupervisor.




  • Bachelor degree or above, preferably in ascientific discipline.

  • Previous working experience in (STM) publishingindustry is preferable.

  • Fluent written and spoken English and Korean.

  • Familiarity with MS Office essential; experiencewith databases desirable.

  • Strong organizational skills, detail orientation,and capability of handling multiple priorities.

  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills;good team player.


    Potential candidates who meet our requirements may apply with a full resume inEnglish stating your current and expected salaries, availability and contactdetails by using our online application system.