


AMCHAM Trainee(s) Program for Spring 2017 - 주한미국상공회의소
  • 작성일자2017-03-06 00:00:00
  • 조회수44
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 인턴 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 기타,


AMCHAM Korea's training program provides graduate/undergraduate students and recent graduates hands-on work experience and a great opportunity to gain skills and knowledge in international business and trade policy. 

During orientation, trainees will learn about AMCHAM, organizational structure and each department's functions. Trainees get to know each other and better acquainted with staff members as well. Once the official program begins, trainees of the various departments are placed under the supervision of each of the department. Supervisors essentially function as mentors and provide regular feedback and evaluation on performance of the trainees. 

As AMCAHM Korea is a non-profit organization, the trainee program is an unpaid, but a modest transportation and meal stipend will be provided. 


모집 부서:

ü  Partners for the Future Foundation   (모집기한 ~3월 12일까지)


지원시 이력서와 커버레터를 반드시 첨부해야 접수가 완료됩니다.



Trainees learn about an overall business environment and more in-depth about the specific business field, which will allow trainees to have a better awareness and understanding of their aptitude and talents before going into the job market. This will allow them strengthen their resumes which will help their career development in the future.

Trainees participate in AMCHAM's various types of events, which will allow them to observe business networking environment and market trends.

Trainees are provided with career coaching session by AMCHAM senior staffs as well as HR professionals from various industries during their training period.

Trainees are invited to AMCHAM's annual trainees networking events where they can network with former trainees and staff members.


Department Information Duration Application Deadline
Communications 2017.05.02 ~
Marketing TBD TBD
Government Affairs/PR TBD TBD
Partners for the Future Foundation 2017.03.20 ~