


정규직 Merchandiser 포지션 모집 - H&M
  • 작성일자2017-02-16 00:00:00
  • 조회수50
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 정규직 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 영업·고객상담


Merchandiser for H&M Korea


현재 H&M에서는 졸업예정자를 대상으로 정규직 Merchandiser 포지션을 채용 중에 있습니다.

직무 설명서는 첨부해 드렸으니참고 부탁 드리며 기타 자격요건은 business mind를 가지고 strong analyzing skill을 요합니다또한 global 다국적 패션회사이기에 패션에 관심이 있고 영어가 능통하여야 하며,

좀 더 유연한 사고와 Open mind가 되시는 분이어야 합니다. - 외국에서 거주 또는 공부를 하셨던 분을 선호합니다


그리고 직무의 특성으로 미루어 봤을 때 매장의 흐름을 처음부터 끝까지 이해하시고 연습과정이 필요하므로 6개월 가량 매장에서 트레이닝이 주어집니다.

이는 Sales Advisor 직무부터 Department Manager, Visual Merchandiser 등 모든 직무에 대해 교육을 받게 되시며 이를 성공적으로 이수하시게 되면,


본격적인 Merchandiser 교육을 시작하게 됩니다.


Fast pace, Straightforward communication, Strong Leadership, Drive & initiative and Teamplayer

Business minded & result driven with strong analytical skills.

Preferably experiencefrom the fashion retail segment or related FMCG companies.

Fluent in English, both oral and inwriting

Working for aninternational brand is also meriting

Work place: MD / H&MKorea office / Sogong-dong

Reports to: Head of merchandisemanager


WHATYOU DO : Responsibilities

Be the expert of yourmarket and drive profitable net growth through setting and following up commercialplan for your concept.

Influence the buyingprocess by sharing your market and customer knowledge and country input withthe Buying Office.

Guarantee the commercialimpact of key products by influencing the buying levels and setting the rightquantities in store.

Create and executereduction strategies that will secure profitability and optimal composition ofstock for your concept


1.Drive your concept

Be the expert of your market and driveprofitable net growth through setting and following up a commercial plan foryour concept.

- Build your concept strategy towardsBuying Office based on potentials to drive net growth.

- Adapt the global commercial believes tolocal needs throughout the commercial planning on concept level.

- Optimize net selling on your conceptthrough setting clear commercial focuses and quantified goals and their followup.

- Maximize the selling potential of yourconcept by securing the right space management in store according to thecurrent stock situation and sales drivers.

- Constant & structured sales follow-upof your concepts in your market.

- Be close to the market

- supply your market organization withcommercial focuses in order to set the right priorities to drive your conceptboth short and long term

- be out in stores 2 days a week on averageto follow up and coach stores together with Area Teams on commercial focuses.

- Act on the sales opportunities/threatstogether with your country sales team.

- Review your commercial plan periodicallyand set quantified improvements for next year.


2.Optimize your stock

Guarantee the commercial impact of keyproducts by influencing the buying levels and setting the right quantities instore.

Create and execute reduction strategiesthat will secure profitability and optimal composition of stock for yourconcept.

- Set the allocation strategy on storesegments for your concept and update it in correspondence to selling and stock.

- Secure impact in stores by matching thestore stock levels with the local sales drivers and key products.

- Influence Area Controllers to ensure anoptimal balance between selling and stock levels on all store segments.

- Follow up size availability in store andgive feedback on supply chain setup.

- Optimize stock balance between new andprevious seasons with allocation.

- Act with replenishment when demandexceeds supply or vice versa.

- Responsible for reduction cost of yourconcept. Optimize the effect of reductions through sale, activities and priceadjustments.


3.Create the best customer offer

Influence the buying process by sharingyour market and customer knowledge and country input with the Buying Office.

- Coordinate the quantified goal settingprocess for the concept with the Sales Markets within your Planning Market.

- Run a concept strategy to drive sales netgrowth that is aligned with your quantified goals.

- Know your market: retail situation,fashion level, competitors.

- Know your customer expectations as theprice they are willing to pay for each key product at any given time.

- Influence prices, quantities, income perperiod and assortment width through fast, frequent and focused feedback to theBuying Office.

- Attend kick-off meetings at Buying Officeto obtain information and news about the concept to be shared within the localorganization.


HOWYOU DO IT : Competences

By keeping a close communicationwith all parts of the organization which influence your concept selling. Planahead and drive towards your goals for your concept.

By having a good balancebetween analysis and reality in stores.

By acting in line withour values and being a role model you contribute to H&M’s business success.

No matter what your rolemay be at H&M-WHAT you do is as important as HOW you do it.



- Enjoys fast pace of work

- Is ambitious, driven to reach own andcommon goals

- Initiates action, finds creativesolutions

- Seeks business opportunities

- Motivated by results Wants to develop inboth work and personal aspects

- Is able to work independently



- Strong analytical ability

- Able to connect figures to product andstore

- Decision taker

- Can think strategically, short and longterm

- Customer minded

- Genuine interest in retail



- Has a positive attitude

- Likes to share knowledge

- Able to create buy- in from others

- Can explain their vision

- Humble, willing to learn

- Enjoys working in a team, adapts quickly

- Flexible, able to take feedback

- Building trust and integrity



- Prioritizing

- Planning and organizing

- Improving efficiency

- Reflecting



- Inspiring communication

- Leading engagement

- Finding new ways

- Being open minded