Legal Coordinator (사원급) 모집 - 재단법인 그린피스
- 작성일자2017-02-08 00:00:00
- 조회수23
- 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
- 일반공고 정규직 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 기타,
- 한국법률 및 규제사항들에 대한 법률적 검토와 리서치
- 주요 이슈에 대한 법률 해석
- 그린피스 서울 사무소 내 법률 자문 및 지원
- 계약서 검토/관리
- 기타 법무 관련 업무 지원
- 변호사와의 협업을 통해 각종 법적 문제 대응 지원
- 그린피스 서울 사무소와 GPEA (그린피스 동아시아) 사무소와의 법률 업무 지원
Overall purpose of the job
The LegalCoordinator provides support on getting access to suitable legal services forGreenpeace Foundation (Greenpeace East Asia Seoul Office) and provides practicaladvice on common day-to-day compliance issues for Seoul Office. The LegalCoordinator also provides legal support to the campaign teams as instructed bythe Legal Unit Head.
Report to theLegal Unit Head
Major functions/responsibilities
- Legal Research and Legal Filing Work: Conduct legalresearch, legal analysis and legal writing tasks assigned by Legal Unit Head; Handle the work oflegal documents filing, keep and monitor legalvolumes.
- Legal Cases Management: Keep track of legal cases in which Greenpeace Foundation is astakeholder through local lawyers in order to keep records up to date. Ensurethat the communication between Greenpeace and the local lawyers is smooth andefficient. Ensure that prompt and informed decisions are made by the relevant decision makers and senior management in the organization.
- Review on Contracts andother Legal Documents: provide professional advice on contract and other legal documents to protect theinterest of the organization, or delegate such work to external lawyer andmonitor the quality of work.
- Preparing Legal Risk Assessments: Ensure proposals for organizational activities and locallegal advice are received in time; complete summaries of legal advice in orderto enable the relevant staff toconduct risk assessments.
- Compliance Work: assist Legal Unit Head to handlethe legal inquiries and compliance issue from organizational support departmentand various teams, including but not limited to intellectual property issues,tax and finance law issue, labor law issue, legal disputes settlement, and litigation management.
Compliance/KeepingFramework Conditions
- Communication in Seoul office: Act as a contact for legal inquiries from GreenpeaceFoundation; Coordinate the legal work between Seoul Office and other GreenpeaceEast Asia Regional offices and support regional legal work concerning the lawsand regulations in Korea; draft (non-complex)correspondence with third parties; maintain the internal website and campaignlegal toolkit site in order to provide consistent and accurate legalinformation to those who need it.
- Knowledge management: Develop and manage informationon all jurisprudence favorable toGreenpeace as well as pro-active litigation conducted by Greenpeace or others; maintain contracts database keep track of (external) legal conferencesand training opportunities for relevantGreenpeace Foundation staff.
Competency profile
- Professional , in particular Professionalism, holdBachelor Degree of Law and have passed Bar Exam, knowledge and experience incivil, administrative and/or criminal litigation is desirable;
- Sets and achievesgoals
- Develops and maintains effective relationships with others
- Shares knowledge
- Trusts, values, andrespects others
- Innovative
- Fluent written and spoken English
- Legal writing skills
- Experience in conflict resolution
- Knowledge and understanding of the NGO sector
- Experience effectively dealing with confrontational situations
- Knowledge of local/regional/international politics
- Negotiation skills
- Attention to detail
- Ability to work under pressure
- Ability to assess risk and potential implications
- Ability to communicate legal issues, tailored totarget audiences
- Ability to understand and synthesize relevant legal issues
- Team player
- Ability to communicate on relevant issues, tailoredto target audiences:
- Seeking for feedbackproactively and effectively, asking for help
- Proactively seeks feedback and asks for help
- Ability to think analytically and strategically
- Familiarity and affinity with activism
- Identification with Greenpeace goals and supportiveof Greenpeace values
Specific Work Environment
- This position will be based in Seoul, occasional travel isrequired.
· 학력: 4년제 대졸 이상 (법학 전공자 및 사법고시 응시자)
· 경력: 신입 혹은 관련 업무 경력자
· 영어능통자(상)
· 열린 사고방식, 커뮤니케이션 능통한 자
· 우대사항: 법률 작문 (Legal Writing) 가능자, 국제법 전공자
서류전형 – 1차legal written test (2-3시간 소요)+ PPT presentation (40분) + HR interview & legal unitinterview – 2차 임원 면접 – 최종 합격
*모든 면접은 영어로 진행될 예정입니다.
*각 전형별 일정은 합격자에 한하여 개별적으로연락드립니다.
· 접수기간: 2017년 2월 24일까지 (금)
· 접수방법: 홈페이지 접수 (
*반드시 영문 이력서 및 자기소개서(지원동기, 입사 후 포부 등의 내용 포함)를 제출해주시기 부탁드립니다. 개인정보보호법상 주민등록번호 뒷자리 는 기재해주지 마십시오.