


아우디폭스바겐코리아 산휴대체직(경력) 채용 - 제니엘
  • 작성일자2020-06-15 00:00:00
  • 조회수9
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 기타 신입 기타 무관 전체 기타,



[아우디폭스바겐/청담] Group F&AControlling_VW Controlling Manager (1) 산휴대체 경력 채용


근무지: Audi Volkswagen Korea 본사(청담역 도보 15 거리)


** 해당 포지션은 Group F&AControlling 부서 브랜드 ControllingManager로서 폭스바겐 재무관리 업무를 수행합니다. 유관 업무 경험 보유하신 경력자로 Financial planning, budgeting, management 지식/ ERP Applications/ IFRS Finance쪽으로 지식이 풍부하신 분을 모집합니다.

(아래 상세 업무내용 숙지하셔서 입사지원서 작성하실 참고하셔서 작성 부탁 드립니다.)



<Job Summary & Purpose>
The incumbent will be responsible to manage and steer financial controlling ofbrand VW business segment (Vehicle, Used car and Aftersales business). The keyroles are to provide transpqrency regarding the financial situation of thedivision/cost centers and steering costs within the limits of the giventargerts.


<Roles &Responsibilities>
Tasks(Main Activities)

* Planning and Forecasting

* Profitability target achievement

* Cost control and monitoring

* Cross functional responsibility

* Product Pricing

* Financial projects

* Compliance task

* Business case Calculation



- Financial Controlling 해당직무 유관 경력 보유자 (자동차산업경력 우대)

- Finance/ Business Admin 전공자

- CPA/CMA 자격증 보유자, MBA 수료자 우대

- 업무상 영어 능통자(Writtenand spoken 능력) 필수

- Qualified Finance Professional with knowledge of Financial planning,budgeting, management

- Understanding of ERP applications, IFRS.

- Good communication and presentation skills, orientation tounderstanding and supporting customer needs.

- Strategic and performance driven, analytic thinking and wellorganized



- 근무기간: 12개월파견계약(산휴대체)

- 근로시간: 5(~) 09:00~18:00

- 급여: 면접 시경력별 협의(100%)

- 근무지: 청담동아우디폭스바겐코리아 본사 (청담역 도보 10분 거리)

- 복리후생: 회사내규에따름


4. 지원방법

- 제출서류 : 국문/영문 입사지원서 각 1(두가지 모두 제출 필수/영문CV 경력사항 상세기재)

- 지원방법 : 이메일접수 (wlswn3933@zeniel.co.kr)

- 파일명 : 아우디폭스바겐코리아_GroupF&A Controlling_VW Controlling Manager_성함OOO(국문/영문)

- 담당자 :02-580-0038 제니엘 오진주 대리






[아우디폭스바겐/청담] VWNetwork_Business Risk Management Manager (5개월) 산휴대체경력 채용


외국계 기업에서 역량을 쌓아 나가실 분, 자동차산업에 관심 있는분, 영어 능력자 분들의 많은 지원 부탁 드립니다.


근무지: Audi Volkswagen Korea 본사(청담역 도보 15 거리)


** 해당 포지션은 비즈니스 리스크 관리(특히 비용관리) 전반 업무를 함께 담당하게 됩니다. 유관 업무 경험 보유하신 경력자로 자료 분석 업무&수치에 강한 , 업무 이해도가 높으신 분을 모집합니다.

(아래 상세 업무내용 숙지하셔서 입사지원서 작성하실 참고하셔서 작성 부탁 드립니다.)



<Job Summary & Purpose>
The incumbent is responsible for the implementation of Volkswagen dealers'business and risk management especially cost management in order to optimizethe cost structure and improve the Return on Sales of dealer busineses. With asupport and control of a selected accounting firm as a service provider, theincumbent analyzes the dealer individual profitability of the existing andpotential network and provides a consultations to the dealer management bydefining necessary action plans.

<Roles & Responsibilities>
1.  Accontabilities

* Dealer cost analysis and productivity : Implement the Dealer BusinessManagement System focusing on

cost and productivity comparison and analysis to find outpotential cost saving and profitability improvement

* ROS steering : Analyze dealer RoS and financial stability perbusiness and compare with RoS target

* Financial data management : Develop a master file of dealerfinancial information to have a close view in dealer financial situation and tobe keen on potential risk of individual dealer

* Business Case Analysis : Analyze business proposals ofexisting and new investors finding pros and cons and directly communicatingwith dealers to optimize the quality of their plan and assess new potentialinvestors in financial sector.


2. Tasks(Main Activities)
* Dealer cost analysis and productivity management : Implement a DealerBusiness Management system for an accurate and transparent data reporting / Ensurethe validation of the data in cooperation with dealer partner and a serviceprovide giving a guidance of the accounting principles / In-depth analyze theinvestment cost of dealership in different criteria and the variable/fixed costsin a running business / Manage dealer financial KPIs and productivity to makesure positive influence by cost structure improvement / Develop a dealerbusiness report to give a consultation to streamline the cost structure and improvethe profit

* RoS steering : In-depth analyze balance sheets, Profit &Loss statements and other financial KPIs to improve

dealer profitability and ensure a financially stable network. / Simulateeach dealer's RoS under normal business case and different business model and proposea condition to be at business feasible per dealer / Quarterly monitor andreport RoS target achievements to VWK management and HQ

* Financial data management : Organize and develop data file ofdealer financial data through proactive communication with the dealers andservice provider / Validate the financial data to ensure the correct accountingrule applied according to the guideline with HQ / Manage financial datareporting and management system (MMRT/BIG) development as per HQ guideline

* Business Case Analysis : Provide consultation to the dealersin business cases of new projects to avoid a financial risk in planning andensure the realistic business cases / Input the financial assessment of thedealer's business case for a management decision / Analyze new investors'proposals as new business partners and support for set-up of business plans / Evaluatenew fields of business (e.g. used cars, fleet, car mobility) to generate dealerprofit



- Accounting,Controlling, Sales 등 해당 직무 유관 경력 보유자 (자동차산업 경력 우대)

- Commerce / Business Admin 전공 우대

- 자료 분석 업무 경험, 수치에강한 분

- Overall knowledge of dealer business in automotiveindustry

- Sufficient economic and financial knowledge

- Strong communication skill & 업무상영어 능통자(Written and spoken 능력) 필수

- Analytical and risk avoiding-oriented



- 근무기간: 5개월파견계약(휴직대체)

- 근로시간: 5(~) 09:00~18:00

- 급여: 면접 시경력별 협의(100%)

- 근무지: 청담동아우디폭스바겐코리아 본사 (청담역 도보 10분 거리)

- 복리후생: 회사내규에따름


4. 지원방법

- 제출서류 : 국문/영문 입사지원서 각 1(두가지 모두 제출 필수/영문CV 경력사항 상세기재)

- 지원방법 : 이메일접수 (wlswn3933@zeniel.co.kr)

- 파일명 : 아우디폭스바겐코리아_Business Risk Management Manager_성함OOO(국문/영문)

- 담당자 :02-580-0038 제니엘 오진주 대리