


BD & Marketing 팀의 인턴 모집 - 폭스바겐파이낸셜서비스코리아
  • 작성일자2018-03-12 00:00:00
  • 조회수51
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 인턴 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 경영·사무




“Volkswagen Financial Services”는독일 법인인 Volkswagen Financial Services AG 자회사의 통합 브랜드명이며, 폭스바겐파이낸셜서비스코리아 주식회사는 Finance, Leasing,Mobility 서비스를 제공하고, 보험대리점인 폭스바겐인슈어런스서비스코리아 주식회사는 Insurance 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.



채 용 공 고


VWFSKorea / Marketing Intern



Job Description


Assisting in                                                                                 

-      Development and managementof marketing materials and communication tools, giveaways

-      Management of the websitesand digital channels from contents development to overall operation

-      Operation of marketingevents for customers and dealers                               

-      Development and monitoringof PR articles and providing general information to media with PR agency                                                                            

-      Execution of CRM activitiesand related business analysis regularly                     

-      Generating overall businessperformance reports and conducting generic/high-level marketing research                                                                                                                                                   

Job Requirements

-  Enthusiastic, energetic,self-motivated, creative and positive attitude                              

-  Ability to organize andplan time effectively                                                            

-  Computer knowledge neededsuch as MS-Excel, Word and Power point                         

-  Excellent communication& Interpersonal skill (in written and verbal Korean and English)     

-  Preference: understandingof traditional and digital marketing                                                                                                                                                

Additional Information

ü  인턴기간 : 6개월 (휴학생 혹은 졸업생, 혹은 바로 입사가 가능한 자)

ü  전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 / 2차 면접전형

ü  제출서류 : 국문/영문 이력서, 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)

ü  급여사항 : 면접 후 협의

ü  접수방법 : 이메일 kr.recruit@vwfs.com

ü  마감일 : 2018-03-15 ()


2018 3 9


대표이사 강 형 규