


Operations 팀 인턴 포지션(정규직 전환) 채용 - 폭스바겐파이낸셜서비스코리아
  • 작성일자2017-12-07 00:00:00
  • 조회수140
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 인턴 신입 기타 무관 서울특별시 경영·사무


채 용 공 고

VWFSKorea / Operations(Underwriting) Intern



“Volkswagen Financial Services”는 독일 법인인 Volkswagen Financial Services AG  자회사의 통합 브랜드명이며폭스바겐파이낸셜서비스코리아 주식회사는 Finance, Leasing, Mobility 서비스를 제공하고보험대리점인 폭스바겐인슈어런스서비스코리아 주식회사는 Insurance 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다.








Job Description

§   Electronic invoicemanagement

-전자계산서 발행(리스료, 선납금, 매각, 중도상환 etc)

Issue invoice (Lease payment, Down payment, Termination payment)                           

-Invoice reconciliation / Report monthly auto-lease bills                                           

-폐업사업자 확인 및 정정발행/수정계산서 발행

Revised invoice management            

§   Cash receipt

-현금영수증 발행

Issue cash receipt (Sales, Collection, OPS)                                       

§   CMS management              

-자동이체 관리

Direct debit management (verifying and closing customer's DD, managingrequests and results of payment, receiving request the change or release of DDvia Bank etc

-금융결제원 CMS 사후증빙                                              

Submit the customers' agreement-evidence for direct debit to KFTC

§   Virtual account management           

-가상계좌 관리

Creation and cancellation of virtual account                                                         

§   DM           

-Managing direct mails (invoice, welcome package, contract maturityletter,... etc.) by communicating with Outsourcing agency                                           

-Ordering letter form and envelopment                                                                         

-Returned mail management                                                                 

§   Payment               

-Refund double and incorrect payment                                                                         

-Refund deposit for car tax and fine ticket (이행보증금관리)                                      

-Receipt management (direct-debit, virtual account, pre-payment)                                                                    

§   System development           

-담당업무에 대한 개발 (ex) 금융결제원 프로세스 변경으로 인한 개발)

ERP system development                                                                     

§   EPO/PPO management                   

-월말 미처리 중도상환 체크 / Managing EPO/PPO daily and monthly                           

§   Supporting Call Center

-Managing the change of contract conditon (payment date and methodetc.) and overdue date                                                              

-Supporting call-center (Refund, Invoice)                                                                                                                                             

Job Requirements

§  Available to work full day for6 months

§  Knowledgeable in MS Officeproducts

§  Background in financialindustry preferable

§  전공 무관


Additional Information

ü  인턴기간 : 6개월, 정규직 전환 가능 포지션

(휴학생 혹은 졸업생, 혹은 바로 근무가 가능한 자)

ü  전형방법 : 1차 서류전형 / 2차 면접전형

ü  제출서류 : 국문/영문 이력서, 자기소개서 (각종 증빙서류는 서류전형합격자에 한해 추후제출)

ü  급여사항 : 면접 후 협의

ü  접수방법 : 이메일 접수. kr.recruit@vwfs.com    

ü  마감일 : 2017-12-12()


2017 12 06



대표이사 한스 피터 자이츠

[136-702] 서울 성북구 정릉동 861-1 국민대학교 종합복지관 5층(504호) 경력개발지원단
TEL : 02-910-4068        E-mail : job@kookmin.ac.kr