


[홍콩지사]디자인,프로그램,리서치 인턴 모집 - PENGTAI
  • 작성일자2016-12-27 00:00:00
  • 조회수50
  • 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
  • 일반공고 인턴 신입 기타 무관 경기도 전문직


International InternshipProgram from

CheilPengTai Hong Kong



CheilPengTai– the leading digital marketing agency in Greater China, is looking forstudents who have talents and challenge spirit to step further into the realbusiness world. This program is an opportunity for all the people willing toget experience in actual business project with mentorships by professionals indigital marketing. Especially, this program will be organized with Korean andHong Kong students to work together.


a.    Requirementin general

­   Workinglevel proficiency of English and/or Chinese (Mandarin and/or Cantonese)

­   Qualifiedfor Hong Kong S.A.R. Working Holiday visa scheme


­   Studyingmajor or having experience in applying position


b.    Requirementfor position

­   Designer

                                         i.    Designor related discipline

                                        ii.    Knowledgein Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and others

                                       iii.    Fluentin verbal and written Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) and English

                                      iv.    Experiencein Photo Retouch / Photography / Web Design will be advantaged

­   Programmer

                                         i.    ComputerScience or IT-related discipline

                                        ii.    Knowledgein programming language for web/app development, e.g. .net, Java, Python, C,HTML and CSS

­   Researcher

                                         i.    Businessor any related discipline

                                        ii.    Knowledgein Power Point and Excel, e.g. VBA, Pivot, Lookup, etc.

                                       iii.    Fluentin verbal and written Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese) and English for research and study

                                      iv.    Knowledgein business analysis, market research, data support will be advantaged


c.    Schedule

­   Posting& Submission: ’16. Dec 26 – ’17. Jan 15

­   Evaluation& Interview: ’17. Jan 16 – ’17. Jan 21

­   Internship:’17. Feb – ’17. Aug (details TBC)


d.    Application

­   CV& cover letter in English

­   Portfoliosin English for designer andprogrammer position applicants

­   Leavecontact of phone number, email address and Skype / QQ ID


e.    ContactPoint

­   Applicantscan send application or ask inquiry to surie.lee@ipengtai.com

­   Notethat applications are not meeting requirements will not be answered


f.     Remarks

­   Thisis paid internship

­   Eachparticipant should arrange working holiday visa, health insurance beforearrival to Hong Kong, and accommodation in Hong Kong at own cost and responsibility

­   Candidateswho are eligible for interview will get notified by email, and are kindlyadvised to be free schedule during the interview period for arrangement


­   Interviewcan be either tele-video conference by Skype / QQ or face to face in Seoul,details will be announced when confirmed