영상 콘텐츠 제작 서포트 및 홍보 서포트 인턴 모집 - 그린피스
- 작성일자2016-11-08 00:00:00
- 조회수38
- 구분 근무형태 경력 기업형태 성별 지역 직종
재단법인 그린피스 - 커뮤니케이션 인턴 채용공고
1. 모집부문: 인턴
2. 인턴기간: 6개월 (정규직 전환과는 무관합니다.)
3. 담당업무:
- 영상 콘텐츠 제작 서포트 (글 작성 및 동영상 제작 등)
- 다양한 채널을 활용하여 콘텐츠 홍보 서포트
4. 우대조건
- 온라인 홍보 업무 유경험자
- 미디어 관련 전공 (신문방송학, 멀티미디어학과 등)
5. 채용일정 및 절차 (각 전형별 합격자에 한해 개별 통보 예정입니다.)
1차: 서류전형 (11월 10일까지) / 2차: 면접
6. 제출서류: 이력서 및자기소개서
7. 지원방법: 온라인 입사지원페이지 (https://secured.greenpeace.org/korea/about-us/careers/)
8. 근무지:서울시 용산구 한강대로 257, 청룡빌딩 6층 (남영역 1번출구)
Overallpurpose of the job
Supporting the implementation of digital and multimedia strategies that willhelp Greenpeace East Asia bearing witness about major environmental threats andcreating changes for a more sustainable future. Monitoring innovation andinfluence in the digital and multimedia spheres. Contributing to the productionof digital news contents. Publishing contents and tracking their impact.Learning about the various jobs and methods of work of an InternationalNon-Profit Organization.
The intern will integrate with the comms department and collaborate with thesenior Digital Strategist and the senior Multimedia Producer. He/She willparticipate in weekly digital-multimedia meetings and in any other internalmeetings where his/her presence will be needed. The intern will contribute toproduce contents in different formats such as texts, photos, videos,infographics... and any other creative or innovative multimedia formats. Themission will include the publishing and the monitoring on digital channels, eitherthey are owned by Greenpeace East Asia or they are external.
Through interviews and meetings, the intern will also have the opportunity tolearn about a range of professional fields such as : communications strategy,public engagement strategy, management of International projects, alliancebuilding within the civil society, non-violent activism, environmental issuessuch as renewable energies, coal and nuclear energies or plastic pollution ofthe oceans.
Major responsibilities
· Digital & Multimedia
· Monitoring - Research multimedia contents,both domestic and international. Contribute to the overall digital-multimediaplan.
· Monitoring - Identifyonlinescape-Influencers and list up the contacts.
· Monitoring - Track our contents in relationto the reach, impression and reaction.
· Content-making - Provide Productionsupports such as writing SNS posts and articles, editing, photo and/or videoshooting etc.
· Update multimedia contents for the GPEASeoul web gallery, Youtube and the other GPEA Seoul channels.
· Revise outdated IPTCs and archive the data.
· Project Delivery
Competency profile
Digital ‘native’
Strong interest in Environmental issues
Adherence to Greenpeace Values
Good understanding of the Online mediascape
Good understanding of the Multimedia Production
Good understanding of news making and journalism
Skills in contents production (text, photo, video, visual art, datavisualisation…)
Intermediate English